Wareham’s water originates from eight gravel packed wells within the Plymouth-Carver sole source aquifer. Each well is drilled to a depth of 60-90 feet. The wells are located in isolated areas of Maple Springs and Seawood Springs. We work hard to protect these wells from potential contamination. You can be assured that the Board of Water Commissioners considers protection of the well fields as their top priority.
There are two treatment facilities within our water system; one each in our Maple Springs well field and our Seawood Springs well field. The system includes three water storage towers, 1340 hydrants and approximately 175 miles of water main. For corrosion control and pH adjustment we add lime (calcium hydroxide) to increase the lower raw water pH to between 9.0 and 9.3 in the finished treated water you receive. Low dose of Sodium Hypochlorite is added at the well fields as a primary disinfectant for control of potentially harmful bacteria such as E-Coli and fecal coliform. Additional disinfection is provided at the Maple Springs facility in the form of UV disinfection.
The District remains proactive in current and future wellhead protection with the goal of permanently protecting as much as zone II as possible. The best protection method is outright land ownership. Other state agencies also offer similar protection though recreation or historical conservation areas. In that light, the district has recently purchased an additional 77 acres of land in zone II within Wareham. With that purchase, 54% of the zone II in Wareham is now protected in perpetuity. In addition 93% of the Wareham zone II in Plymouth is now protected in perpetuity. This land is open for public use.
Wareham Water Department 2550 Cranberry Highway Wareham, MA 02571 Administration:
Andy Cunningham, Superintendent
Shayne Lydon, Operations Supervisor Board of Water Commissioners: Edward J. Tamagini, III